In June 2008 I spent 14 days caving in the Battambang province of Cambodia. All the caves were dry. It was interesting to see some cave fauna, most of which is very similar to that in Malaysia. We found a few bat caves, most of which we didn't enter, because the stench of guano was overpowering. One cave in particular smelt of pure ammonia. The whip spiders seemed larger than those found in Malaysia.
An expedition report has been published in BCRA Speleology, 2009, No 13. Extensive information on the caves of Cambodia can be found in the book Atlas of the Great Caves and the Karst of Southeast Asia. See also Cambodian cave bats

cricket |

different species of cricket |

cricket, same specimen as previous |

millipedes |

millipedes |

centipede |
these snails are probably accidental visitors as the cave has several open entrances. They are possibly ariophantids, probably related to Macrochlamys (info from Dr M.Schilthuizen)

snail |

same snail |

a different smail |

same specimen as previous photo |

spider - juvenile Heteropoda sp. identified by P.Jaeger at Senckenberg |
These Amblypygids, or whip spiders, seem larger than their Malaysian cousins

whip spider |


whip spider in a different cave |

a different cave again |

yet another cave |

same specimen as previous |
This snake is an accidental visitor to the cave. It was identified by Klaus Schulz as Oligodon taeniatus (Striped Kukri Snake).

baby squirrel found outside a cave |

this dog came caving with us |

and had a rest when we were too slow surveying
© Liz Price 2008-2011
Page last updated 28 July 2011 |